张静 新疆伊宁市第三中学
2022-4-8 11:50:46 教师 浏览量 :

张静,毕业于陕西师范大学生命科学专业,毕业后一直在新疆伊宁市第三中学任教。中学副高级职称,任教期间担任班主任13年,多年备课组长工作,曾先后获得州级优秀班主任”、州级四好教师市级教研标兵市级名师市级学科带头人等荣誉称号。2019  荣获全国中学生物学联赛指导一等奖,2019  荣获全国中学生物学竞赛指导铜牌。教育与可持续发展智库会员。

Zhang Jing, who graduated from Shaanxi Normal University majoring in life sciences, has been teaching in Yining No. 3 middle school in Xinjiang since graduation. Deputy senior title of middle school. During his teaching period, he served as a head teacher for 13 years and worked as a lesson preparation team leader for many years. He has successively won the honorary titles of "excellent head teacher" at the state level "," four good teachers at the state level "," model of teaching and research at the municipal level "," famous teacher at the municipal level "and" discipline leader at the municipal level ". In 2019, it won the first prize of guidance of National Middle School Biology league and the bronze medal of guidance of national middle school biology competition in 2019. Member of EASDT .